___Fly Away___

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Second day of school. A load of homework. Shoulder aches. My head's having a dizzy spell. So much to do yet soo little time...

But I managed to drop by the Jurong East Regional Library for a while. Quickly zoomed past books and headed straight towards the fiction section. Please let it be there...Yay! I found it! I had been searching for so long for novels written by Nicholas Sparks, one of my favourite authors. His writing is simply passionate and wonderful. I was captivated when I had first read A Walk to Remember- a sweet tale of young but everlasting love, and it was such a moving story. It was also made into a movie which starring Mandy Moore as the lead actress. And now I'm simply delighted that I have found- not one - but two of his other novels: A Bend in The Road and Nights in Rodanthe. Can't wait to read them! ^_^

Posted by Nurdiyana at 8:25 PM

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Yep, it's finally over. Done. Finish.

the Big scoop: School's opening back tomorrow. Aaaaahh!! o_O *dizzy dizzy*

Haiz...guess it's back to normal again..no more waking up late. no more staying up till late. and no more yippee-ya-yay. Yeah, it's high time that I should get back to my studying and all. I already had so long a break. So back to hitting the books and say goodbye to dear Dreamland.

hmm...is Aisyah's birthday also tomorrow?? Yikes!!

Posted by Nurdiyana at 6:49 PM

Friday, June 25, 2004

Wanita Itu Cantik

Allah berfirman:

"Ketika Aku menciptakan seorang wanita, ia
diharuskan untuk menjadi seorang yang istimewa. Aku membuat bahunya cukup kuat untuk menopang dunia; namun, harus cukup lembut untuk memberikan kenyamanan."

"Aku memberikannya kekuatan dari dalam untuk mampu melahirkan anak dan menerima penolakan yang seringkali datang dari anak-anaknya."

"Aku memberinya kekerasan untuk membuatnya tetap tegar ketika orang-orang lain menyerah, dan mengasuh keluarganya dengan penderitaan dan kelelahan tanpa mengeluh."

"Aku memberinya kepekaan untuk mencintai anak-anaknya dalam setiap keadaan, bahkan ketika anaknya bersikap sangat menyakiti hatinya."

"Aku memberinya kekuatan untuk mendukung
suaminya dalam kegagalannya dan melengkapi dengan tulang rusuk suaminya untuk melindungi hatinya."

"Aku memberinya kebijaksanaan untuk mengetahui
bahwa seorang suami yang baik takkan pernah menyakiti isterinya, tetapi kadang menguji kekuatannya dan ketetapan hatinya untuk berada
disisi suaminya tanpa ragu."

"Dan akhirnya, Aku memberinya air mata untuk
dititiskan. Ini adalah khusus miliknya untuk digunakan bilapun ia perlukan."

"Kecantikan seorang wanita bukanlah dari pakaian yang dikenakannya, susuk yang ia tampilkan, atau bagaimana ia menyisir rambutnya.Kecantikan seorang wanita harus dilihat dari matanya, kerana itulah pintu hatinya, tempat dimana cinta itu ada."

dipetik dari Raudhah.com
Posted by Nurdiyana at 6:17 PM

Thursday, June 24, 2004

discover what candy you are @ quiz me

It was so touching that I cried. No, it's not a Hindustani movie. And yes, it was Adoption. Real families, real stories. A reality programme that could tickle your heartstrings, and set you crying tears of joy in front of your own TV. Well, that happened to me. ;) I was deeply moved by the kindness these adoptive parents displyed. Some of them already have their own "flesh and blood" children, while others were not so lucky to experience their own bundles of joy. But one thing clearly remains the same- they change the world for these kids. They make a difference in their lives. One of the stories that I could not forget was this white American parents who adopted 13 children from different walks of life. They are mostly black Americans and Hispanic. They may be different in skin tone, but that certainly didn't hinder them from being a really happy family. I guess all they need was to have love and care. To have a taste of what it is like to have a family. And from this adoption programme, they get a breath of life, and know that they have someone supporting them all the way when they need that the most. I truly salute these wonderful people. They indeed have a heart of Gold.

Okay...well today my father brought some sweet treats for us at home. Durian!! They were soo lovely and yummy-licious. I really like it when they are soft and sweet. And they certainly are! Although I'm not really fond of the smell, who could have stand watching such a delicious sight? It was great that there were plenty of them. Of course all of us enjoy them really much. No wonder it is called the King of fruits. :)

Posted by Nurdiyana at 7:48 AM

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Alhamdulillah..Sis Nad is finally a-ok now. And we had to go out again this morning. Waah...already feeling tired. But then I didn't have the heart to see her all alone. Ibu also asked me to accompany her,in case she fell sick again and had no one to look after her out there.Ish. I dread that thought. If something happened to her, I would be the first one to feel really guilty for not accompanying her in the first place.
Family matters most! So then I followed her to Madrasah first to collect her testimonial. It looks really nice and also nice to read too.heehee. :) All written by our dear principal Ustazah Sukarti. hmm...I wonder how my testimonial going to be like next year... We accidetally met Teacher Aslinah outside the office. She looked so happy and excited to see my sister."It's been so long since we last met, Nadiah!"It was really touching when my sister asked for her blessing and du'a as she will be attending her new school next Monday, and then they embraced each other. After a moment both of us bed her goodbye. InsyaAllah...I will still keep visiting Madrasah even after graduation next year... (^-^)

After that we moved on to Ngee Ann Poly again to pay insurance for her new computer. Double shield protection. In case of any accidents like spillage of water or theft. Things like that. Sis Nadiah took me to see Ngee Ann's library afterwards. At first I was a bit scared whether I'm allowed to enter as I'm not an NPian. But then we just entered the place.hehe. It was really nice. Of course- there were tons of interesting-looking books. It even had a special lounge where the students can relax and watch TV. Cool. (~-^)b

With no time to waste, we quickly head on to Jurong Point where Ibu and Ain were waiting for us there. After that we went to Banquet. Yay!
What else but to eat! I think I'm the big eater among all of us just now. hehe. As my sis and I already had our tummy filled a bit before, so she didn't really have that appetite and only took a portion of her Turkish pite(I think it's something like a Turkish pizza, but only longer and thinner). Somehow surprisingly I could keep on eating the food- tempura, carrot cake, my turkish pite, and before that a choc donut, mashed potato and sandwiche- that Sis Nadiah simply said, fantastic Diyana!. Of course I did manage to finish all of them! Good tummy good. ;) Then we met Ayah who had just came from his workplace and went window-shopping together for a while. Weee best!! Then I bought a toy sword, but it looked really beautiful with its beutifully-crafted golden handle and long shiny blade that it could easily pass as a real one. Only that its blade is not sharp. And best of all, it only cost $1.05. Yay!! *do a pose like Aragorn with sword*

Haiz...what a beautiful day for me.*smile smile* Only that the weather had been gloomy all day. It looked as if it was going to rain but it didn't.hmm...I think it's a haze.and it smells fishy. eh,no no! It smells smoky. Oh no. I hope it will get better soon...

Which [Mona Lisa Smile] characters are you?

Posted by Nurdiyana at 9:49 PM

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Listening to: Rintihan by Hijjaz

Accompanied my sister Nadiah to Ngee Ann polytechnic this morning to collect her new Toshiba notebook computer. Wow...It's really beautiful! But before that we took a quick breakfast at McDonald's. Shared one Big Breakfast meal that cost $5.35 with milo. So everything- bread, burger, eggs, hashbrown and oso milo- were divided into two equal parts. Macam konsep makan berdamai gitu...hehe. ;)

Ya Allah...pity my sister. Since setting off from home, she kept sneezing and her eyes were a bit red. Like what we have thought, she had indeed caught a cold. She was just fine when we were at the Poly. But then she started to get sick again on the journey home. The heavy computer box and its big bag that we struggled on the bus and all the way home did nothing but worsen her condition. By then, she was gasping for breath and even had a bad stomachache. It's really saddening to see her weeping in pain. I guess it really hurts. I'm glad that she's now sleeping soundly after taking panadol. Have a good rest dear...

Timecheck: 7.15pm. Oh no. Have to rush to see the Chinese drama "Double Happiness" on TV. Me and my family have been following that family drama these days. toodles~

Posted by Nurdiyana at 7:17 PM

Monday, June 21, 2004

I wish...I wish...I wish...for a Tamagotchi! ^-^ soo cute!!!

Posted by Nurdiyana at 3:14 PM

Sunday, June 20, 2004

My two sisters and I found something fun to do last Monday- cooking pasta! And since then we were up making the yummy and fast to cook dish every now and then...well, practically every day! Thanks to Dolmio's prepared pasta sauce...hehe. ;) Still need time to work out our own. But we did add some ingredients to enhance the flavour. A bit of here and there. It's more like an experiment to us. Thankfully it turned out great, and surprisingly it tasted much better! :)

By the way, I was really happy to receive a call yesterday. It was from Fadhilah. Glad to hear her voice. Alhamdulillah...she had safely returned to Singapore from performing Umrah with her family in Mecca. She sounded rather cheerful on the phone. Told me some stories about her wonderful experience there. She said that there were so many people coming down to Mecca, some from Oman and many others too. It was also wonderful seeing a group of small children learning Islamic Studies in the mosque. How great it is to be able to study in there! Ya Allah...I really hope that I could visit Mecca. My dream is to go there with my family, and another time with my friends. To be able to see Kaabah and perform Umrah would be a great blessing. InsyaAllah...I will arrive there one day...
Posted by Nurdiyana at 4:35 PM

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Wanita Acuan Al-Quran
Ialah Seorang wanita Yang Beriman
Yang Hatinya Disaluti Rasa Taqwa Kepada Allah SWT
Yang Sentiasa Haus Dengan Ilmu
Yang Sentiasa Dahaga Dengan Pahala
Yang Solatnya Adalah Maruah Dirinya
Yang Tidak Pernah Takut Berkata Benar
Yang Tidak Pernah Gentar Untuk Melawan Nafsu

Wanita Acuan Al-Quran Ialah wanita Yang MenjagaTuturkatanya
Yang Tidak Bermegah Dengan Ilmu Yang Dimilikinya
Yang Tidak Bermegah Dengan Harta Dunia Yang Dicarinya
Yang Sentiasa Berbuat Kebaikan Kerana Sifatnya Yang
Yang Mempunyai Ramai Kawan Dan Tidak Mempunyai Musuh
Bersifat Jembalang

Wanita Acuan Al-Quran Ialah wanita Yang Menghormati
Yang Sentiasa Berbakti Kepada Kedua Orang Tua Dan
Yang Bakal Memelihara Keharmonian Rumahtangga
Yang Akan Mendidik Anak-Anak Dan membantu suami
Mendalami Agama Islam
Yang auratnya dikhaskan buat suami tercinta
Yang Mengamalkan Hidup Penuh Kesederhanaan
Kerana Dunia Baginya Adalah Rumah Sementara Menunggu

Wanita Acuan Al-Quran Sentiasa Bersedia Untuk Agamanya
Yang Hidup Di Bawah Naungan Al-Quran Dan Mencontohi
Sifat Rasulullah SAW
serta wanita sufi yg digariskan dalam kalamullah
Yang Boleh Diajak Berbincang Dan berbicara
Yang Sujudnya Penuh Kesyukuran Dengan Rahmat Allah Ke

Wanita Acuan Al-Quran Tidak Pernah Membazirkan Masa
Matanya Kepenatan Kerana Kuat Membaca
Yang Suaranya Lesu Kerana Penat Mengaji Dan Berzikir
Yang Tidurnya Lena Dengan Cahaya Keimanan
Bangun Subuhnya Penuh Dengan Kecerdasan
Kerana Sehari Lagi Usianya Bertambah Penuh Kematangan

Wanita Acuan Al-Quran Sentiasa Mengingati Mati
Yang baginya Hidup Di Dunia Adalah Ladang Akhirat
Yang Mana Buah Kehidupan Itu Perlu Dibajai Dan Dijaga
Meneruskan Perjuangan Islam Sebelum Hari Kemudian
bersama lelaki

Wanita Acuan Al-Quran Ialah wanita Yang Tidak Mudah
Dengan Buaian Dunia
Kerana Dia Mengimpikan Syurga
Di Situlah Rumah Impiannya
Bersama lelaki Acuan Al-Quran ganjaran ALLAH SWT.

- Dipetik dari Hanan.com
Posted by Nurdiyana at 7:36 AM

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Listening to: You're My Everything by Rene Froger

Didn't go anywhere today. And maybe tomorrow. And for the rest of the holidays too. hehe. ;P Just feeling tired and wanting to catch up with lots of things in my long waiting list. Maybe I'll just snug up cosily at home and enjoy some Nasyid songs or two.

Meanwhile...just now my younger sister Ain found our collection of stuffed toys in the closet. Waah...I really miss seeing my brown teddy bear. I still remember the time when I bought it as I thought it was kinda cute and smart-looking with its golden-brimmed pair of spectacles. ~0.0~ It seemed like a little scholar to me striving in the pursue of knowledge. heehee. :) Then I found another cute 'little one'. She(I decided that a female she is)has round yellow body and head with faint pink blushes on her cheeks, wear a ribbon with red polka dots on her head, and a pair of innocent black beaded eyes. A baby's napkin cloth is also tied to her neck. She's simply a darling! :)

Haiz...all these beloved toys of mine simply brought back fond memories of my childhood. To recall some, when I was 6 years old, I sat down on Ain's baby doll's pink plastic stroller- which of course broke down with a loud crash. Oh how guilty(and a 'lil bit satisfied~ heh! Weird, isn't it?)I was feeling back then when Ain started wailing her heart out. Then, at one time, I actually did try to stuck my big head into my aunt's drawer. When I wanted to pull my head back, it didn't want to budge! So I started panicking and crying loudly for help. Alhamdulillah...I was really grateful(and still am) when my mother managed to release my red swollen head slowly from that tight space. Whatever could have happened if it got stuck for hours? Firemen coming and starting to chainsaw that drawer? Oh, the Horror!

Funny how it seems when I reminisce my past. Plenty of old good times with a 'lil bit of sadness too. Me back then was a really cheeky and curious Didie, totally different from the present one- a bit of an introvert and quiet. I tend to keep to myself more often when I step into adolescence. Hmm...I wonder why...Oh, never mind. The important thing is that we each have our own memories to treasure. Yes, to each his own... :)

Posted by Nurdiyana at 10:05 PM

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Listening to: Anyone of us(Stupid mistake) by Gareth Gates

Phew. Started the day with a lot of cleaning this morning. Swept here, swept there. Washed the dishes. Arranged the books. Tidied up my desk and drawers...By the time I finished all the tasks it felt like after doing a vigorous exercise workout. heh. Got really tired but the result was worth the effort. All spick and span. Splendid. *smiles gleefully* But I guess it was a really tough work that it just knocked me out to sleep for a few hours. hah! ;P Then woke up from the nap at 1.00pm. Oh no! I Haven't had my breakfast yet! *tummy rumbling by then* But it's just my luck that when I came to the kitchen mum had prepared food for me and sis. Yay! :) So then I munched down two egg mayo sandwiches and drank my favourite milo. After that came my delicous steamed buns with meat curry filling inside. Yummy! And what a wonderful way to top off the meal with a Meadow Gold's Mocha Almond Choc Chip ice-cream! Wow...I really love today's breakfast(or should that be my afternoon tea?) ;)

Hmm...I realize that I've been spending too much time on the computer these past few days. I think it summed up to nearly 6 hours for last Monday! If I keep continuing this kind of attitude, surely all my other much more important things wouldn't get done. So I've done a daily schedule for myself for this school holiday. Ya Allah...I really hope that I would successfully follow the plan. Need to get organized! Or else my life would be a complete mess. With this extra time, I sure hope that I can fill it up with more meaningful tasks. Like a wise saying once say, "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail."
Posted by Nurdiyana at 5:07 PM

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Thought I would like to share this piece of info with fellow Muslim readers. I extracted it from Darul Arqam's magazine titled "Teens' Crossroads" dated two years ago and it is still my one of my favourite reading material. Found it rather thoughtful and worth for all of us to ponder for a while. Well, read on...

Strip Search by Adam Brown

At Friday prayers at the mosque, I occasionally see young men(and some older ones) wearing football shirts. These are usually from the English Premier League, and often are Liverpool shirts. My concern is that Liverpool is sponsored by Carlsberg, the brewery, whose name is therefore emblazoned across the chest. Now, all Muslims jurists are agreed that alcohol is haram(unlawful), and yet these young Muslims unthinkingly wear shirts advertising haram products to the mosque. I am certain that, if I went in to the mosque wearing a T-shirt advertising 'Ah Heng's Pork Floss', people would object.

I am not, of course, suggesting that you should stop supporting your favourite football team- merely that you should think twice before wearing shirts advertising haram products, or those that use the 'cross' as graphics for their emblem. To help you in this, here is a list of the EPL teams for the 2001-2 season and their main sponsors whose names appear on their strips.

Keywords:(Team), (Sponsor), (Business)
1)Arsenal, 02 , Telecommunications
2)Aston Villa, ntl:, Telecommunications
3)Blackburn, Time, Computers
4)Bolton, Reebok, Sports goods
5)Charlton, Redbus, Various
6)Chelsea, Emirates, Airline
7)Derby, Marston's Pedigree, Ale(alcohol)
8)Everton, One 2 One, Telecommunications
9)Fulham, Pizza Hut, Restaurant
10)Ipswich, TXU Energi, Gas&Electricity
11)Leeds, Strongbow, Cider(alcohol)
12)Leicester, LG, Electronic goods
13)Liverpool, Carlsberg, Lager(alcohol)
14)Man U, Vodafone, Telecommunications
15)Middlesbrough, Cellnet, Telecommunications
16)Newcastle, ntl:, Telecommunications
17)Southampton, Friends Provident, Life Insurance&Pensions
18)Sunderland, Reg Vardy, Car sales
19)Tottenham, Holsten, Pils(alcohol)'
20)West Ham, Dr Martens, Shoes

Posted by Nurdiyana at 7:47 PM

Monday, June 14, 2004

Listening to: Demi Cinta Suci by UNIC

Last night I happened to watch the Bend it like Beckham movie for the 1st time on TV. Wow...I was quite amazed by the skillful tricks the girl team displayed and how good they were handling the ball. Well, considering that they are girls- they looked pretty okay to me. The love story between the lead actress and her coach was kind of sweet too. :) *sigh*...I wish I could play soccer on the field for once. Well, maybe having people watching me play doesn't really seem like a good idea after all. heh. ;P

As far as I can remember, all these years I've been a Manchester United fan, although I don't usually show my interest in this Red Devils team. But when certain occasions come up, like, say a Man U vs Arsenal match-and that's really one exciting dual- well...sometimes my "true colours" show up. hehe. My Dad doesn't really mind that as he's also a loyal Man U fan like me and my sisters too, but for my mum...I guess she's a bit worried that we might grow up to be all rough and rowdy young ladies. hehe. ;P But come to think of it,which mother wouldn't be shocked to find her three teenage daughters "shouting" at the TV for a mere football match? Haha...maybe we sisters should contain our excitement a little bit. But each time Mum would usually just ask us to calm down and remind us to not be too engrossed in the match that we forget about proper conduct. No harsh and painful words escaped her. Like she always do. Ya Allah...I'm really thankful and indeed feel blessed to have a kind-hearted mother like her. Sayang Ibu!(love u mum!) and of course my caring father too! :)

Today, Ayah, Ibu and adik 'Ain went to Johor at 1.45pm. Sis Nadiah and I are staying at home as she will be having an exam tomorrow. Ibu was worried that we might get tired from the trip so she suggested that we should just stay at home for the day and have plenty of rest. Me,being the "always worried one" am quite sad and indeed worried to see them leave. But then my sister comforted me by saying that InsyaAllah they will be back and we should just pray for their safety. Maybe it's because we always go out as a family together that I frequently miss them when they are not around. Even on school days I would feel a sense of longing to come back quickly from school and be in the warmth of my family. :) I guess the bond in our family is really strong. I am deeply grateful to Allah for such a blessing. Alhamdulillah... :)

Meanwhile, I guess I should relax a little and wait for their return. My sister Nadiah sometimes said that I just worry too much and asked me to stop being a paranoid. Haha! I guess different people have their own unique ways of expressing their love towards their loved ones... :)
Posted by Nurdiyana at 5:51 PM

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Listening to: Hero by Utada Hikaru

I had just read a report in today's newspaper about some performances in the ongoing Arts Festival. Ugh. Soo disgusting. Just think about this - an actress urinating onstage in a one-minute scene from a play with a stupid reason that she needed to "express" herself! And then two dance performances featured their female performers topless for several minutes as the nakedness represented fragility and a lack of protection! How absurd could they get? The fact that I'm not "into-the-arts" kind of person doesn't affect my opinion that they had certainly got themselves over the boundaries. I just don't understand why in the world they need to do all these shameful acts. Is there no other way to express themselves that they had to go to such extent? Art has limits. Even every single thing in this world has limits. I just don't understand Arts. (-_-) *shakes head and stares blankly into space*
Hmph. The thought that such things are allowed to happen simply puzzles me. Why is the wearing of hijab or headscarf for Muslim women is banned in some countries but the fact that "overly-exposed" and totally shameful and humiliating tv programmes are still being shown day by day? Oh God. What is the world coming to?

Meanwhile, I can see that people all around Singapore and surely in other parts of the world are pretty excited about the EURO 2004 in Portugal. But for me, the football mania doesn't really hit me as compared to the World Cup two years ago. I still remember my sister 'Ain and I used to record down the results of the football matches, and then I stopped halfway upon realising that it's wasting my time. Hehe. ;P I used to support the Brazilian,Turkish and German teams. As my school is a girls' school, it was quite amusing for me to see some of the students back then had an "admiration" for the footballers. Ilhan Mansiz from Turkey certainly had became one of the hot favourites. Hahaha...simply a girl's dream. :)

Posted by Nurdiyana at 5:45 PM

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Yay! The June school holidays have arrived once more! It's now time for me to just sit back and relax, enjoy watching the hours slowly passing by, and catch up with my long abandoned deep slumber......


If only I could do all those things again...*sigh*. It certainly doesn't seem like a holiday to me - what with all those stack of homeworks to be done and extra load of revision to be handled. Since the holidays started there's already the Science and Additional Mathematics classes I had attended. Only that I had missed two out of the three A.Maths classes. hehe. Naughty me. ;P *smiles sheepishly*
Okiez...my Reasons for that were because we had a family trip to Johor, and the second time was that I woke up a little too late to attend it(which would be an hour late after the class had started). I already had this phobia of arriving late for school for fear of seeing the principal's stern face. Ya Allah...I really regret what I've done. Hope that teacher would not be angry with me when I see her.InsyaAllah I won't do it again in the future. :( *reminds myself to wake up early next time*.

Hahaha...now I just can't stop laughing my heads off. As I'm writing this entry, my little sister Ain is screaming for my dad. It's now nearly 12.00 midnight but there's a fairly loud "commotion" going around inside our living room. From what I'm hearing right now, it seems that a flying coackroach has lost its way and is flying all around the room and between the curtains. Being scared of coackroaches, my sister quickly "summoned" for help from my dad.

Boom. Splat.

I guess it's dead by now. Oh God. How insensititive could I get? I guess that only directs at dead coackroaches. But for now, I'm just glad that I'm now in my room safe typing this down. teehee. :)
Posted by Nurdiyana at 11:16 PM

Friday, June 11, 2004

Meet Me In The Stars
by Paul Anthony Nierychlo

As I am saying good night at the end of the day,
And you are not here, but many miles away,
My heart is so empty and so lonely inside,
As I wipe away a tear I am trying to hide.

I close my eyes and try to go to sleep,
But with the sadness inside I begin to weep.
Suddenly I remember what you once said to me,
Just meet me in the stars, waiting for you I will be.

When distance tends to keep us apart,
Remember I still hold you near in my heart.
When the night together, can't be ours,
Just close your eyes and meet me in the stars.

Remembering those words, I begin to smile,
And gently close my eyes, lessening the miles.
I can see the stars, oh how beautifully arranged,
But you are not there, no hug to exchange.

I sit alone waiting, with hope in my heart,
No longer wanting to be kept apart.
Suddenly in the distance, a shadow appears,
A tear rolls down my face and the image is clear.

There is no question it is you that I see,
Waiting in the stars, just like you promised to me.
You hold out your hand as you become near,
And put it in mine saying, "I miss you, my dear."

Suddenly there's gentle music, filled with romance,
You gently pull me close, we begin to dance.
Just meet me in the stars, that is where I will be.
A special place in the stars just for you and for me.

Posted by Nurdiyana at 6:29 PM

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

*sigh*.Pelik. Hati nie rasa mcm sedih cket hari nie.Tadi masa sampai kat Paya Lebar MRT on the way to school tetiba aje got this feeling-rindu. Rindu? hmm...I guess I miss seeing sahabat2 yg baru ana kenal:- Solehah dari Al-'Arabiah,Hajar dari Al-Junied, Raudhah dari Wak Tanjong dan ramai lagi. Atau mungkin...kenangan manis yg ana dapat sepanjang perkhemahan Bahasa Arab dua hari yg lepas sangat besh sehingga ana tak mahu ianya berakhir? Tapi yg pasti, ana tidak akan lupakan memori nie sampai bila2 pun. Make your last year as a Madrasah student a memorable one... :)

Menyingkap kembali saat2 ketika di Madrasah Wak Tanjong nie membawa sinar kebahagiaan dalam diri ana. Entahlah kenapa, tapi tiap kali kenangan mukhayyam nie tetiba aje segar dlm ingatan sekejapan saje dapat membuat ana tersenyum sendiri.Apalah yg manis dan syiok sgt ana sendiri pun tak tahu...eheh. :P Mungkin sebab ana tak pernah join any majlis atau kegiatan antara madrasah sebelum ni. so bila dah dapat peluang, terasa mcm seronok pulak. Manalah tahu dapat kenal kawan baru dari madrasah lain.(woits..perempuan aje tau!)

Okay...so on the first day,5th June, pagi2 lagik ana dah bangun.Get ready,solat subuh,pack my bag including 2 kamus arab ana(just in case ade emergency tak tahu perkataan b.arab...eheh :P) lepas tu set off frm home pukul 6.20am. Dalam perjalanan tu adelah ana mcm stress gitu hafal my khutbah bahasa arab.Nanti nak kena present atas stage depan semua pelajar dan para asatizah dari madrasah lain.Alamak..nie yg buat ana rasa seram sejuk ni.Kalau terlupa script kat atas stage malu ana nanti.Na'uzubillah.Kawan2 ana yg lain pulak ada presentation diorang sendiri. Ada yg kena buat drama while Hannah pulak masuk bahas. Isyy...kes lagi berat tu.Kirakan ana ni bernasib baik lah jugak. :)

Dalam pukul 7.45am gitu ana dan kawan2 pun gi Madrasah Wak Tanjong selepas berkumpul dulu kat Paya Lebar MRT. Lepas tu daftarkan nama di kaunter pendaftaran yg dijaga oleh kakak2 pra-u Wak Tanjong. I got into the Khansaa' group while the others were sent to groups Asmaa' binti Abi Bakr,'Aisyah and Shimaa'. Altogeter there were four groups for girls and two for boys. Each consisted of 17 pupils from different madrasah. I guess they wanted us to get to know other students and not stick with our own. Menjalin silaturrahmi dan memupuk persahabatan. :)

After that we were all brought into the lecture theatre for the opening ceremony. Lepas tu gi kantin utk sarapan pagi. Kalau fikir kembali, dari pukul 8.00 pagi sampai 5.00 petang,tiga kali kami diberi hidangan. Hmm...sepanjang dua hari ni santapannya ialah nasi ayam,roti tuna,macaroni goreng,sup daging, nasi merah dan kuih-muih pada waktu yg berbeza. Kenyang sungguh kami dibuatnya. Alhamdulillah...rezeki jgn ditolak. :P Syukran 'alaikum!

Oklah..utk meringkaskan entry ni, ana tulis sedikit sebanyak sahaja mengenai perkhemahan ni ye. Yang best ada persembahan nasyid, pementasan drama dan kuiz maklumat.Group Hannah nearly menang by one point aje ngan group pelajar lelaki.Suasana mcm tegang tapi seronok kat dalam dewan tu sebab semua pelajar perempuan sokong Hannah dan pelajar lelaki pula berpihak pada kawan mereka.Cheh~! ;) Tapi rata2 ana rasa yg Hannah memang hebat.Nearly all the questions she managed to answer secepat kilat.*salute kat Hannah*. Alhamdulillah ada sembahyang berjamaah solat zuhur dan asar. Ni yang bagus...aktiviti yg bermanfaat mengasah minda disamping tanggungjawab yang wajib kita tunaikan tidak dilupakan.Inilah antara sebab2 kenapa ana suka sgt ngan program atau perkhemahan bebrentuk Islamik. :)

Pada hari yg terakhir, ada seorang pensyarah Arab dijemput khas utk memberikan sebuah ceramah. Sungguh baik segala isi yg dikemukakan. Ustaz pun ada mengatakan yang Bahasa Arab ni adalah suatu syiar Islam.
Betul jugak...kalau tak kita sebagai umat Islam yang memastikan ianya tetap berterusan dan kekal sepanjang zaman,siapa lagi yang nak buat sedemikian...? Jadi ana rasa baiklah kalau kita sebagai pelajar Madrasah dan individu muslim yg lain cuba memperbaiki Bahasa Arab kita ni.Eh, Sunnah muakkad ni...ikut cara nabi...dapat pahala...! :) Hehe~
Oklah...sambung balik cerita, kemudian ada perbahasan kat dalam dewan lagi.Topik dia agak hangat ni:"Pembelajaran subjek syar'iyyah dalam Bahasa Inggeris." Kumpulan perempuan sebagai pencadang manakala pihak pelajar lelaki pula sebagai penyanggah. Di akhir pertandingan, pelajar perempuan muncul sebagai Juara. Alhamdulillah! :) :) Hannah pulak dapat hadiah sebagai pembahas terbaik. Memang hebat lah kawan ana ni! Tapi yang ana tak dapat lupakan ialah seorang dari pembahas lelaki ada ambil qoute dari syarahan ana hari sebelumnya, "Seperti apa yg telah dikatakan oleh pelajar Madrasah Al-Maarif semalam....". Rasa macam agak terkejut dan malu lah waktu tu. Eh,ana salah dengar ke ni? Tapi lepas acara tu habis,kawan ana Maimanah ada dtg kat ana sambil usik2 pasal perkara tadi. Ya Allah...macam malu gitu. Tapi tak penting lah kan...soal ni tolak ketepi dululah ye. :) Selepas berakhir majlis penutupan tu,hati ni rasa agak sedih nak berpisah dari sahabat2 ana. Namun ana tahu...di dalam sebuah pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan. Ana harap dapat jumpa mereka suatu hari nanti...InsyaAllah. Oklah..itu sahaja cerita ana kali ni. hehe terpanjang cket lah kali ni. Syukran kerana sudi baca tulisan ana yg tak seberapa ni... :)

Posted by Nurdiyana at 10:39 AM
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Nur Diyana. SixTeen. Young Muslimah. 8th May 1988. Introverted writer. Silent thinker. Passionate dreamer. Youth Activist.

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Healing by Hijabigirl
Pick up the pieces of your soul
that have been tossed into the dirt
Pick it up, polish it off, and treasure it
just as one would an echanted jewel
that was once hidden far beneath the earth
Torment your soul no more
of your searching
Let it find peace
and satisfy that longing
for the Beloved.
For, "verily in the rememberance of Allah
to hearts find rest..."
Treat your soul
with the comfort of prayer
guard it with
the shield of dhikr
Remove those black spots
with istighfaar
and caress it with
the Love of the Divine.

Source: Muslim Writers Society

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